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General English

Our general English language program is based on the "Speakout" resource, developed in collaboration between BBC and Pearson.

Our General English program is based on Speakout, a resource developed collaboratively by the BBC and Pearson.

Speakout is designed with a focus on enhancing speaking skills.

The training program includes 10 to 12 sections (modules), varying according to the level of the course. The textbook features videos, real news, and interviews in an interactive format created by the BBC. At the end of each unit, a 15-minute test (Unit Quick Check Test) assesses comprehension and mastery of the material covered.

Midterm and Final exams, covering the first half and the entirety of the program respectively, are conducted during the course. Attendance is monitored in each class. These exams are administered without any additional fees.

Classes meet twice a week, with each session lasting 2 hours and conducted entirely in English. The first level's duration is 3 months.

Additionally, a Conversation Club meets three times for 1.5 hours each session (included in the fee).

3 months

24 lessons

