IELTS trial exam - Computer-based
By participating in the computer-based IELTS mock exam, you will relieve exam stress and learn about your strengths and weaknesses.>
You can take the computer-based trial exam either by visiting our center or from home through the 'morooq' platform.
When taking the exam from home, an appointment is scheduled with you in advance via Zoom, and the exam interface is explained in detail.
At our center, computer-based exams are conducted every day of the week at 09:30, 12:30, and 15:00.
We provide all the necessary technical equipment for the exam.
The price of the computer-based exam is 49 AZN.
Additionally, participants in the trial exam receive a 15 AZN discount on the official exam and the opportunity to join the conversation club free of charge for one month.
When you register through the 'Bring a Friend' campaign, everyone participating with you will have the 'Speaking' exam fee waived, with a total fee of only 42 AZN.