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Final Event of the Year – 2024

January 31, 2025 – Shah Palace Hotel, Baku


Our event officially began with the opening speech by Elshan Rahimov, Chairman of the Board and Founder of the “Barattson”. In his speech, Elshan Rahimov shared his thoughts on the establishment of “Barattson” LLC, the paths it has taken, the successes it has achieved, and the goals it has set. Afterwards, other members of the Board of Directors—as well as the heads of departments and divisions—delivered speeches and provided detailed overviews of the projects, collaborations, and team performances achieved in 2024.


 Key achievements and projects


  • Cooperation with AICPA and CIMA:
    We provided educational opportunities in accordance with international standards in the field of professional finance and management.
  • Youth to Business Forum:
    As one of the main sponsors of the AIESEC organization, we supported young people’s introduction to the business world and their professional development.
  • Cooperation with Azerbaijan Railways:
    This collaboration once again proved the effectiveness of our services and demonstrated our strength in the field of training provision.

Other achievements

  • Corporate training programs were provided to employees of enterprises such as “Norm” and “Sinteks,” among others.
  • The high achievements of our students and the extensive support provided to those applying for education abroad were also among the successes of 2024. 

During the event, many of our employees and teaching staff received awards in various categories and were presented with “Appreciation Letters.” Additionally, several employees received valuable gifts during the lottery game held at the final stage. One of the most cherished moments of the event was the organized tea party, which provided an opportunity for warm conversations and the establishment of friendly relationships among the participants.


“Final Event of the Year” is a living embodiment of the hard work, achievements, and team spirit of the “Barattson” family in 2024. This event not only celebrates our past successes but also serves as a great source of hope and motivation for the coming year.


 We wish 2025 to be full of new opportunities, and we believe that together we will achieve even greater successes!


With Love and Respect,